Missing in Action

I just wanted to let everyone know that I’ve been reading the comments that come in on the blog but I’ve been very busy and I’ve needed to stay very focused on the tasks in front of me. Most of it is good – so no worries – but I do need to give my offline life the focus it needs right now.

I appreciate my readers (and especially my fellow deconverted friends) who have jumped in to answer some of the questions. It seems you often give better replies than I could have come up with on my own! I really appreciate your input and it has helped me to know that the people coming here are getting some answers to their questions – or at least different ways to look at things. 🙂

I may be able to devote some time to the blog soon, but I don’t want to promise – it may still be awhile yet. Just writing out this post makes me want to make some time to properly address the questions and comments that have come in recently, so maybe I’ll get to it sooner rather than later.

Wishing you all the best in your journeys – whatever stage you’re at!

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