
[I wrote this welcome page in December of 2010.]

I’ve created this site to explain to friends and family why I chose to leave Christianity after 20 years as a strong believer.

Start with ‘My Story.’  That may be enough for you and that’s fine.  If you want to know more about the details of why I left Christianity then you’ll want to check out some of my other pages.

I would like to add a page with a question and answer format.  If after investigating the site you still have questions for me, send them to me or post them in the comments and I will try my best to answer them.

I’ve decided to use the blog feature on the site.  It will include religious material, but I plan to post anything that I find interesting, useful, or fun.  Go ahead and subscribe!  You can access my blog though several options on the right side of the screen.  You can click on one of my recent posts, search through the archives, or choose a category that interests you.

Just want to add that this site only covers the initial issues I had with Christianity.  To understand my thought processes since that time, you’ll want to follow my blog (and read ALL my previous posts!)

I welcome your feedback!

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it [or because it has] been handed down for many generations [or] because it is found written in your religious books [or] merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.  But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason, and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, accept it and live up to it.” Buddha

7 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. I believe in christianity and to me it does agree with reason and is conductive to the good and a benefit to all, I do try and live up to it. I have come to believe in only what I have expericenced, felt and have observed.

  2. What a treat to spend time on this sight!
    I think I never had to recover from too much indoctrination in my forming years. I probably considered myself an Agnostic all my life, although recently I feel a need to distinguish between Atheist and Agnostic. I can see how the agnostic stance relates to a feeling, a feeling of indecision. Your work encourages me very much to more explore my resistance to surrender to facts or seek psychological comfort in feelings.
    If you have the time check out some thoughts about suppositions that clearly are the traps we fall in so easily: http://kommoss.wordpress.com/2011/03/16/suppositions-and-memories/

  3. I also left Christianity several years ago. I have since written a book, “Things I Never Learned in Sunday School: Facts about the Christian faith that will surprise and astound you,” that examines many of the popular Christian beliefs from a historical viewpoint — with surprising results. It is well-researched and not just based on personal opinion. It’s currently available in ebook format at Amazon, B&N, and other outlets (Kobo, iBookstore, Sony, etc.). Paperback will be available soon.

  4. Hi Brenda,

    Wow, there are so many points on which to begin a discussion, so I’ll just pick one, the quote from Buddha. Before I comment, I’ll say I read your comment about this site covering only your initial issues w/Christianity. Perhaps your views on the quote have changed. Still, maybe this will stoke discussion…

    It seems to me Buddha is laying out a program for the conditions under which something *ought* (in the moral sense) to be believed. That is, he’s telling us the circumstances under which we could say we arrived at a belief in a moral fashion.

    Notice that his view of how we ought to come to belief begins with observation. This means that in order to *believe* that *all* belief *ought* to start with observation he would first have had to *observe* that all belief ought to start with observation. Of course, no finite being could ever have an observation of a universal obligation. And since he couldn’t first have the observation he couldn’t analyze or test it against reason, in which case he shouldn’t believe it since this would violate his own moral obligation regarding belief. Therefore, his method of acquiring belief over and above those methods he shunned stands on no better ground on his own terms.

    BTW, I’m not condoning those other methods. My point is simply to point out what I see as the fault in Buddha’s (and possibly yours, Brenda) method in order to show you’ll need, at the very least, to have an epistemology that harmonizes with itself before you can criticize other epistemological positions. Please let me know your thoughts.

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