Deconversion Story at HeIsSailing

Reading this deconversion story at HeIsSailing is well worth the time.   If you want more than just a quick snapshot of someone’s deconversion story then you’ll appreciate as he shares his insights and thoughts about each stage of his life and religious journey.  I felt like I was sitting down with a wonderfully written book as I read his story.  There are more installments to come and I can’t wait to read them!

HeIsSailing – It is time

[Just click on ‘next chapter’ at the end of each post to read the next installment of his story.  And of course – check out the rest of his blog as well!]

Luke’s Deconversion Story

When I was going through my deconversion, the Common Sense Atheism site was a big help to me.  There is a ton of stuff on his site no matter where you are in your journey.  Today I want to link you to his personal deconversion story.  It seems that many believers think that somehow people who ‘lose their faith’ must have never really been a true Christian in the first place.  They must not have experienced God the way a true Christian knows that they do in their own life.  I don’t know that those of us who have deconverted can ever convince them, but when I read Luke’s story, I don’t see how he could have been any more sincere and sure about his faith.  And I related so much when he says,

I started to panic. I felt like my best friend – my source of purpose and happiness and comfort – was dying. And worse, I was killing him. If only I could have faith! If only I could unlearn all these things and just believe. I cried out with the words from Mark 9:24, “Lord, help my unbelief!”

So I hope if you are at any point in a deconversion journey that his story will help you know that you’re not alone.  If you’re a Christian maybe reading his story will give you some more insight into what it’s like to go from being a true believer to someone who just can’t believe anymore.  And if you’ve already been through your own deconversion I’m sure you’ll relate to his story.

Luke’s Deconversion Story

[Note:  Luke has moved onto other things so he no longer posts at that site, but all the previous material is there for our exploration.]

Imbrocata’s Deconversion Story

I want to share with you a deconversion story that really touched me and caused me to think a great deal about my own deconversion.  So please go read Imbrocata’s story here:

Origins: My Personal Testimony

I’ve read some of his other posts and they are great – so I encourage you to follow his blog.

Now I’d like to share the thoughts that his story sparked in me.  Something about Imbrocata’s deconversion story really struck me as profound.  I think after mulling it over it’s because he really did lose faith in faith.  (That reminds me of Dan Barker’s book by that title, Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist.)  Many people seem to start doubting due to specific details such as an issue with something in the Bible.  Or maybe they struggle with the idea of a loving god sending people to hell.  But Imbrocata’s story impressed me because he looked around and saw a type of desperation in his own life and in the lives of his fellow Christians (my wording, not his).  This emphasis and obsession with just believing and needing to have greater and greater faith … something wasn’t right.  It was a red flag that would be the undoing of his life of faith.

I think Imbrocata’s story brings into focus something that has become more and more clear to me the longer I am out of Christianity:  There is something fundamentally wrong with it.  My focus has really been turning from being willing to debate every little detail to feeling passionate about getting Christians (at least those doubting) to look at the big picture.  Lately I’ve in essence been saying, ‘Let’s step back and take a look at the basic storyline of Christianity.  Let’s not start with any assumptions that anything had to be a certain way.  Let’s ask ‘why’ at each step and stage as we look at the Christian story.  Why did this have to be this way?  Why did that have to be that way?  Does it make sense that a god would set things up this way?  I’ve found that it’s nearly impossible to get Christians to be willing to do this, but for someone who is already beginning to doubt their faith, it may be possible.

Imbrocata’s story encourages us to ask an even more basic and fundamental question:  ‘Why Faith?’  And even further, faith should not only not be held up as a virtue, it should be a red flag that something is fundamentally wrong.

His story stands so beautifully on its own, part of me hates to pick it apart.  But I actually printed it off, read it to my husband, and underlined the parts that really struck me and that made me think.  So for anyone interested, here are a few of the parts I underlined and the thoughts they sparked.

Still, despite my conversion being based on the acceptance of Love through fear, I sincerely wanted to please a God who sacrificed everything for me … ME! 

It’s very difficult to get Christians to admit to the role that fear plays in their religion.  To them it’s all about love, love, love.  Of course – they’ll tell you they believe that hell exists, but they try to say that it doesn’t really play a major role in why people convert to Christianity or in their own lives now.  In hindsight I see what a major role fear does play in a Christian’s initial conversion and in their life afterwards.  There are those who believe you can lose your salvation (fear!), but even for those who think that once you’re saved you’re always saved, there is always the fear that you’ll displease God.  Not only in some major way, but in little things each and every day (even your thoughts!).  When the whole goal is to please God – how could there not be fear of failure (especially when it’s pretty difficult to figure out exactly what this invisible being expects on every issue, big and small.)

Christopher Hitchens talks about his disgust with Christianity’s requirement of compulsory love.  The Christian God says, ‘You will love Me, or else.”  This is what popped in my mind when Imbrocata used the phrase, ‘Love through fear.’  It frustrates me that Christians can’t see how awful that is.  But then again, I didn’t see it for 20 years either.

Speaking at a Center For Inquiry event, Dan Barker summed up Christianity this way:

Imagine you are strolling down the sidewalk and a man excitedly calls you over to his front porch to share some “great news,” Protestant minister-turned atheist author Dan Barker asked his audience on Wednesday.

The man’s got a gruesome torture chamber in his basement, Barker said, but you don’t have to go down there. Instead, you can come over, hug the man’s son, say you love him and you can all move in together in the attic and tell them how great they are forever.

“Isn’t that great news?” a sarcastic Barker asked the crowd…

(via The Friendly Atheist)

I realized that I had underlined so much of Imbrocata’s testimony that I needed to really narrow it down.  So if you promise me you’ll read his full account, I’ll keep my quotes to a minimum 🙂

I continued to see the others throwing themselves after some elusive spiritual high just like I was. …

He gave me the impression that what he saw was nothing less than a cult. …

their fervent telling spoke to me of a deep desire to convince …

this and many other instances, felt as though we were being compelled to put on blinders. To rejoice in putting on those blinders.  To believe with no reason to believe … no reason but that disbelief was sin and punishable. 

 It is submission par excellence to something which has not convinced you and refuses to even try to convince you outside of intimidation, guilt, and fear.

It has all the hall-marks of a cult-ish, mind-controlling phenomena.  It demands adherence without any reason.  It allows no question.  It criticizes and attacks all dissent.

I try to be very diplomatic, but I’ll be honest here and say that I do see Christianity as being cult-like.  And these quotes above from Imbrocata’s story give a glimpse into why I see it that way.  I realized after I’d been out for awhile that the threat of hell took Christianity beyond just a fair exchange of ideas into another realm.

Assure a man that he has a soul and then frighten him with old wives’ tales as to what is to become of him afterward, and you have hooked a fish, a mental slave.

Theodore Dreiser

My exit from Christianity was traumatic and after the dust had settled, I realized my experience seemed to mirror those of people who had left cults.  I had to deprogram my brain – from fearing hell, from fearing what the world would be like without this ever-present god in my mind, heart, and life.  I had to force myself not to fear facing the world without this god and my christian community always there telling me what was ok to think, feel, and do.  The experience was incredibly difficult and jarring to my mind, my body, and my life.  I’ve never voiced it before, I think mostly because I didn’t want doubting Christians to dismiss what I was saying because they would think it was an extreme and unfair accusation.  But the Christian story says that if you don’t love god (their god of course) then you’ll go to hell.  And don’t forget that this god can read every thought you have.  He can see every desire and motivation and he will judge you on them.  He (and the Bible and the Christians in authority over you) will tell you what is ok to think, say, and do.  If you doubt, it is your fault for not having enough faith.  How is this not a cult-like type of mind control?

There is a book I just pulled off my shelf that helped me at one point in my journey.  I remember giving it to my counselor so that he could read it and understand how jarring deconversion can be to someone and what a long and difficult road it can be.  It’s called Leaving the Fold and the author is Marlene Winell, Ph.D.  Just now I skimmed through the table of contents and one chapter jumped out at me (and it’s section titles):

Recognizing Manipulations

Fear manipulations * Guilt Mainipulations * Mystical Manipulations * Denigration of Self * Discrediting of the World * Group Pressure * The Power of Authority * Thought Control * Closed System of Logic

The rest of the chapters look interesting and helpful as well.  I remember it being one of the first books where I thought someone really understood what was really going on in my deconversion experience – how jarring it was and how it was requiring me to see everything about my life and the world in a whole new way.  She understood that my deconversion experience required taking back my own mind.  I am hesitant to say any of this because I don’t want to turn away anyone who might be helped by my blog.  Maybe it will turn away some, but maybe it will help others.

I feel like I’ve rambled and probably not very eloquently.  I also don’t want to take away from Imbrocata’s own testimony.  Let me finish off with one more quote from his story:

At some point it seems, most if not all belief systems require one to believe for its own sake.  To cite as evidence that which has no citation.  To simply accept as true something for which no reasoning exists.  This to me has been a red flag that what I might be involved with at any time is less than honest, needs and relies on mind-tricks to persist and is, therefore, false or at least, not sufficiently true to stand on its own.

This is why I can’t accept the Christian argument that we both look at evidence of equal value but just come to different conclusions.  I greatly admire and respect the ideas of many atheist speakers and authors, but they don’t threaten to read my thoughts, punish dissent, or send me to hell.  And they don’t tell me to dismiss questions but to chase them with excitement – following wherever the evidence leads.  And these facts alone give me some confidence that I’m on the right track.

Reposting ‘Why I Became an Atheist’

I was looking back at some of my older posts and I came across Das American Atheist’s account of how he became an atheist.  This series of his videos, as well as many of his others, were one place I turned when I was doubting.  I hope if you’re a religious doubter you’ll check out his videos on youtube.  For those of us who have already left, you may find his journey interesting.

Why I Became an Atheist by Das American Atheist

[For those interested, he has a video playlist of his rebuttals to William Lane Craig’s arguments.]

‘Eternity’ at Finding Truth

Here is a post from another exChristian who I’ve come across online.  I just love how he tackles the issue of eternity.  And if you have fears about hell … then you need to read this too.


And here is a link to a bit of his deconversion story:

A Brand New Direction

And more about his story here:

What Have I Gained?

The Real Cost of Religious Faith

This past weekend hubby and I attended our first atheist event.  I looked online and found a local group and we headed out to the pub on Friday.

This link was passed onto me by one of the people I met there and WOW is it good.  It just gets at the foundations of my issues with christianity (and any religion for that matter).  I wish every Christian would watch it but I know it wouldn’t come across to them in the same way it does to me now.

It also deals with my pet peeve lately which is the idea that christianity is a loving religion that is so inclusive.

A Personal Response to a Talk by The Thinking Atheist

I don’t get as emotionally moved as I did when I was a Christian (maybe that’s for another post – how Christianity uses emotions to manipulate people).  Well – I do – but not nearly as often.  But tonight was an exception.

First I read this post on The Friendly Atheist website:

Stop Thinking that God is the Answer to Everything

I watched this video clip in it from DarkMatter2525:

Which was great – but then I watched the 45 min talk from the Thinking Atheist that inspired the video (it’s mentioned at the end of the first video.).


I’d heard of The Thinking Atheist but hadn’t really checked out any of his stuff.  His talk impressed me at first because it made so many points that I try to make on my site.  But then near the end he really hit home with me.  I really encourage you to watch the whole talk – but at the VERY least – watch it from 34 min onwards to see what struck me so powerfully and personally.

So now that you’ve watched from at least 34 min onwards – here is what struck me so powerfully.

1.  Teaching children that hell is real and that they will go there if they don’t accept Christ is psychological abuse.  That may sound extreme but it’s not.  And as he’s talking I’m thinking back to how I became a Christian.  My 21 year old brother had just committed suicide (I was 10).  Then I was invited to a youth group and church and bible camp where they told me this same story over and over (often in very intense and emotional ways) – that anyone who doesn’t accept Jesus as their personal saviour is going to an eternal and literal hell.  What kind of a free choice did I really make???  I didn’t.  I was a defenseless 10 year old girl who had just suffered a terrible, confusing, life-changing loss.  I didn’t know what happened to people when they died.  But they convinced me that there was a literal heaven and a literal hell and I had to make a choice and I had better make it fast because no one knows when they’ll die and face God’s judgment.  I know those people really believed what they taught me and I’m not angry with them – but if I look at it as a bystander – watching that little girl try to make sense of what had just happened to her brother and now trying to make sense of the world and her own life – what a horrible and awful thing to do to her – scare the living shit out of her.  They made me fear that my brother had gone to hell and that I was headed there too.  It seriously brings tears to my eyes – not because I’m sad for myself – but because I’m sad for that little girl.  I want to reach out and hug her and console her and tell her not to listen to those people trying to scare her.  They used my loss and pain and fear as a weapon to convert me.

It makes me sad and it makes me angry that children are taught this all over the world and even more – it breaks my heart to think that I did that to my two oldest children.  I was in a particularly vulnerable place when the Christians came into my life but it’s wrong to do this to children no matter what is going on in their lives.  This isn’t a fair presentation of one particular viewpoint where they are then free to choose – it’s psychological manipulation and abuse to get a desired outcome.

(And yes – they did show us those Thief in the Night videos that he mentions about the rapture and tribulation – with people being killed by guillotine because they waited too long to accept Christ.  I did a quick search and you can watch them on youtube – unfortunately.)

2.  At the end he says that the responses he gets from people reminds him that he is not alone and he is not crazy.  Then he whispers, ‘You’re not alone and you’re not crazy!’  How I wish I’d watched this video when I was in the midst of my intense, painful journey out of Christianity.  How I wish I’d heard him whisper those words back then.  I had the god glasses on for 20 years and when they came off the world was such a scary place that I really thought I might be crazy.

It’s been awhile since I’ve felt that way – but I hope that my website might help even one person going through the same struggle I did while losing my faith.  Some people leave christianity effortlessly – but for others (like me) it is extremely painful and difficult.  Taking the god glasses off can be scary and life-changing – but it gets better – much better.

Now if you didn’t watch the entire video – go back and watch it.  Some really great stuff in there that took me a long time to figure out – but he has it nicely condensed 🙂