Abortion (non) Debate in Canada

Thought you might be interested to see how a Canadian politician’s attempt to start debating the abortion issue in Canada was received (even from his own party):

MP’s Denounce Motion to Study When Life Begins

I can actually understand where the anti-abortion people are coming from.  They believe they need to stand up for a life that can’t speak for itself.  But what should they do with this conviction that they are passionate about?  I think if someone is against abortion/pro-life then there are many areas where they could focus their time and effort.  Some ideas?  Help promote better sex education and contraception availablity.  Maybe help support the adoption system or services that help young mothers.  But to try to legislate that every woman needs to follow your views on this issue and to turn those who disagree into criminals is the wrong approach.  And obviously it’s not going to get anywhere here in Canada.