Mr. Deity: Creationism Is So Appropriate For Children

You have to watch Bill Nye in this video before going on to the Mr. Deity video or you’ll miss the whole point.


Now you can watch the Mr. Deity version:


Just had to share this.  Sat down to read my kindergartener’s homework.  There was an update letter explaining what they’ve been learning.  Here’s a quote:

“We have been working on kindness and have focused on feelings and how we are different, yet the same.  We have explored:  Canada, Africa, Australia, India, and China.  We have been writing the countries in our passports and have been entering logs in our travel journals.  The big idea is that we are different yet the same despite our differences.  We all hurt, cry, smile, laugh, bleed, feel hungry …”

How can I not be content sending my kids to school?  I’ve had numerous other examples where I’ve been impressed with the education they are receiving – but things like this just hit it home.  There is more in the letter about the particulars of the academics they are learning, but this section in particular left Mommy smiling 🙂

Update:  I’m still thinking about this.  If I could only teach my kids one lesson in life – religious or non-religious – wouldn’t this be it?  This would properly shape how you interact with everyone and affect every decision you make.  What do YOU think?