Worldview Naturalism

Thought this new website might be of interest to you:

One of its creators is Luke Muehlhauser who is the author of the Common Sense Atheism website which was a huge help to me during my deconversion (Luke doesn’t add new content anymore to that site but the archives are still available and there is a LOT there.)

I poked around the site and it looks like a good resource.  The main categories are readings, podcasts, videos, debates, and people.  The readings cover topics such as seeking truth, self & free will, ethics & society, happiness & self-help, and meaning & spirituality.   You could spend quite a bit of time on this site watching interviews and following links to podcasts and debates.  There are links to almost 100 intellectuals with a naturalistic worldview (including links to their faculty, personal, and wikipedia pages).

Let me know if you find something particularly interesting or useful on the site!

Mr. Deity and The Occupation

I’m behind on Mr. Deity episodes!  Here’s one from February.  You’ll especially love it if you’re interested in the topics of heaven, hell, freewill, or the hiddenness of god.