The Universe Versus Alex Woods – Book Recommendation

I had to return this book to the library when I was only about halfway finished, but I liked it so much that it was worth putting myself on the waiting list for it again. I finished it last night and I thought it was definitely worth sharing here:

The Universe Versus Alex Woods by Gavin Extence

I loved the main character and he’s one of the primary reasons that I think most of my readers would enjoy reading this book. He’s so intelligent and observant and logical almost to a fault. I just loved him. He thinks everything through meticulously and maybe that made me feel like I’m not so strange after all – lol! The book is filled with science-based thinking and writing and yet it is touching and heartfelt at the same time. And if I wasn’t already sold on this book – it also made me laugh out loud numerous times! What’s not to love?

If you only read books that are fast-paced then this book is not for you. But if, like me, you love character-driven plots that make you think and you walk away knowing you’ll have that character stuck in your head forever  – then add this to your reading list.

I can’t wait until this author’s second novel comes out!