Quote #40

There is indeed mystery in life, a lot of unanswered questions of vital importance. I would not be a philosopher if I did not believe that, with all my being. Religion and philosophy alike grapple with the deepest questions of all: What is it all about? How should we live? Philosophy is sometimes chided for failing to provide compelling answers to its questions. Perhaps one of the most important lessons of philosophy is to teach us how to live with the questions unanswered, rather than settle for unsatisfactory but popular answers. This is our legacy from Socrates onward and is the source of at least some of the conflict with religion. In exchange for the security, comfort, and certainty of the world’s religions, we offer only doubt and uncertainty, a cold, hard logical look at the universe. But I’ll take it.

From Chapter One of Philosphers Without Gods – edited by Louise M. Antony

Chapter One: Faith and Reason, the Perpetual War: Ruminations of a Fool written by Stewart Shapiro

What Do Atheists Believe?

I really enjoyed this speech by Todd Stiefel at the Reason Rally. It’s worth 11 minutes of your time and you may even get inspired!

via io9

Quote #29

The Bible: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.” – 1 Timothy 2:11-15

via Atheist Republic on Facebook

The Real Cost of Religious Faith

This past weekend hubby and I attended our first atheist event.  I looked online and found a local group and we headed out to the pub on Friday.

This link was passed onto me by one of the people I met there and WOW is it good.  It just gets at the foundations of my issues with christianity (and any religion for that matter).  I wish every Christian would watch it but I know it wouldn’t come across to them in the same way it does to me now.

It also deals with my pet peeve lately which is the idea that christianity is a loving religion that is so inclusive.

Christopher Hitchens vs Douglas Wilson

Loved this documentary.  Christopher Hitchens is the closest thing I have to a god now so I guess not a big surprise.

‘Collision of Lives’

Quote #5

Ron Reagan (son of President Ronald Reagan):

Religions may persist, but they come and they go. Where are the old Norse gods today? Where are the worshippers of Amon-Ra today? A thousand years from now, what will people make of a man tortured to death on a cross, of a prophet who was said to ride a white horse up to a mythical heaven? What will our distant progeny think of claims by some that they have a special exclusive compact with a deity? . . . I can’t read the future, certainly. But I am certain of one thing: reason. Reason and freethought will remain a hallmark of the human species. The ability of human beings to gaze out at the wondrous, baffling universe in which we find ourselves, with minds uncluttered by dogma, has been and always will be the measure of our success. Faith will fade, religions will flower and vanish, but reason remains.

From The Good Atheist: Living a Purpose-Filled Life Without God by Dan Barker