Adding to My Must-Read List: Waking Up by Sam Harris

Sam Harris has a new book out and I’m definitely going to read it. Anyone want to join me?

Waking Up by Sam Harris

You can read Chapter One here:

Waking Up by Sam Harris

I’d love if some of you wanted to join me in reading this and we could discuss it.

[Edit: Looks like it’s being released on Sept. 9th so we’ll have to wait until then to get it.]

Happy reading!

10 Myths – And 10 Truths – About Atheism

I came across an older article by Greta Christina and she made reference to an article Sam Harris had done on the same topic.  She thought he dissed religion too much.  I’m posting both and you can decide.  May they both enlighten you 🙂

Sam Harris’ article

Greta Christina’s article